Plateforme de recherche sur la réadaptation clinique

Investigateur principal /principal investigator : Fatima Anaflous

Equipe / Team

Projets / projects

Publications de la Plateforme de recherche sur la réadaptation clinique

  1. R.I. Tivadar, C. Chappaz, F. Anaflous, J. Roche and M.M. Murray, ‘Mental rotation of digitally-rendered haptic objects by the visually-impaired’, Frontiers in Neuroscience, 2020.
  2. R.I. Tivadar, T. Rouillard, C. Chappaz, J.F. Knebel, N. Turoman, F. Anaflous, J. Roche, P.J. Matusz and M.M. Murray, ‘Mental rotation of digitally-rendered haptic objects’, Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience, 2019.
  3. D. Geruschat, M. Flax, N. Tanna, M. Bianchi, A. Fisher, M. Goldschmidt, L. Fisher, G. Dagnelie, J. Deremeik, A. Smith, F. Anaflous and J. Dorn, ‘FLORA™: Phase I development of a functional vision assessment for prosthetic vision users’, Clinical & experimental optometry : journal of the Australian Optometrical Association, 98, 10.1111/cxo.12242, 2015.
  4. Y.H.-L Luo, J. Zhong, F. Merlini, F. Anaflous, M. Arsiero, P. Stanga and L. Cruz L., ‘The use of Argus® II retinal prosthesis to identify common objects in blind subjects with outer retinal dystrophies’, Presented at the ARVO Meeting Abstracts, 2014.


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